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Isran Noor Attends the Adipura Award and Signs the FCPF-CF Incentive Payment Agreement

Source: https://kaltim.tribunnews.com/2023/02/28/isran-noor-hadiri-penganugerahan-adipura-dan-penandatanganan-perjanjian-pembayaran-insentif-fcpf-cf

East Kalimantan Governor Isran Noor attended the 2022 Adipura Award and the Signing of the REDD + Forest Carbon Partnership Facility Carbon Fund (FCPF-CF) Incentive Payment Agreement.

The event, which was attended by the number one person on the Etam continent, was held at the Dr Soedjarwo Auditorium, Manggala Wanabakti Building, Jalan Gatot Subroto, Central Jakarta, on Tuesday (28/2/2023).

In an official statement obtained by Tribunkaltim.co, Governor Isran Noor expressed his gratitude for the signing of an agreement for payment of FCPF-CF East Kalimantan incentives.

Later, from the first payment by the Environmental Fund Management Agency (BPDLH), the Ministry of Finance, East Kalimantan Province BPKAD and East Kalimantan BPKADs.

The signing was carried out by the Main Director of the Environmental Fund Management Agency (BPDLH) Djoko Hendratto together with the Head of BPKAD for East Kalimantan Province, and the Heads of BPKAD for 8 (eight) districts/cities, namely Berau, Kutai Kartanegara, West Kutai, East Kutai, Mahakam Ulu, Paser, Penajam Regencies North Paser and Balikpapan City.

"Very proud of East Kalimantan Province. I hope it will be implemented and coordinated as soon as possible because the funds already exist and will be distributed immediately," he said.

It is known that East Kalimantan alone has succeeded in reducing carbon emissions by around 30 million tons of CO2 and the assessment by the World Bank is 22 million tons of CO2.

As previously reported, a sustainable economic development strategy was initiated in 2011.

In 2019, East Kalimantan included all carbon emission reduction programs included in the 2019-2023 Regional Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMD).

The main target of the East Kalimantan Government's policy is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from 25 percent in 2019 to 29 percent in 2023.

This effort is also carried out by the East Kalimantan Provincial Government, of course not alone.
All parties are invited to be equally committed to reducing carbon emissions.

Both the Regency/City government, TNI-Polri, the private sector, NGOs to the people who live around the forest.

The Forest Carbon Partnership Facilities-Carbon Fund (FCPF-CF) program managed by the World Bank or the World Bank, East Kalimantan is targeted to reduce carbon emissions and has started in 2020 until it ends in 2024.

The emission reduction target is 5 million tonnes of CO2 or equivalent to US$25 million in 2021.

Followed by 8 million tons of CO2 or equivalent to 40 million US Dollars in 2023.

As well as 9 million tons of CO2 or the equivalent of 45 million US Dollars in 2024, bringing the total to 110 million US Dollars.

He revealed that East Kalimantan had succeeded in reducing 25 million tons of carbon equivalent CO2 emissions in the first phase of the 2019-2020 period.

"The reduction in East Kalimantan's emissions from 2019 to 2020 has seen an achievement of 66 percent from 27.5 million tons of CO2 to 9.3 million tons of CO2 at the end of 2020," explained Governor Isran.

Meanwhile, in an official statement, Main Director of the Environmental Fund Management Agency (BPDLH) Djoko Hendratto explained that the MoEF's REDD+ program through the FCPF-CF began with the signing of a letter of intent (LoI).

The contents of this agreement are also listed with a performance-based payment scheme for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in East Kalimantan Province on September 20 2017, then revised through LoI October 12 2019.

"With a potential fund of USD 110 million or Rp 1.7 trillion which will be paid to the Indonesian government through BPDLH to the East Kalimantan Province. For the performance of GHG emission reductions the East Kalimantan Provincial Government accompanied by the Directorate General of Climate Change Control (PPI) has succeeded in showing the performance and payment of the first RPP in form of advance payment and has been carried out by the World Bank," explained Djoko.
Furthermore, BPDLH has received USD 20.9 million or around IDR 313 billion and will be distributed to the East Kalimantan Provincial Government and 8 Regencies/Cities in the amount of IDR 260 billion.

Where IDR 110 billion will be through the APBD scheme and IDR 150 billion will be distributed to 441 villages through institutions appointed by the East Kalimantan Provincial Government.

"The allocation of these funds is intended for the operationalization of the implementation of the FCPF-CF program, incentives for parties that contribute to reducing emissions in the scope of East Kalimantan," he said.

In addition, there are also rewards for customary law communities (MHA) who carry out forest protection in East Kalimantan Province.

Performance-based payment or jurisdiction-based Results Based Payment (RBP) in the Province of East Kalimantan is the first payment that has occurred in Indonesia.

The success of GHG reduction through the REDD+ program has demonstrated to the global world that a green economic transformation has been carried out in Indonesia through the Province of East Kalimantan.
And can be a lever of economic growth and social welfare while maintaining the quality of the environment.

And can be a lever of economic growth and social welfare while maintaining the quality of the environment.

"This is a form of trust from the international community through the World Bank to the Government of Indonesia. The Ministry of Environment and Forestry acts as the program administrator at the national level. The East Kalimantan Provincial Government acts as the administrator for the sub-national program. The Regency/City Government acts as a benefit manager and BPDLH acts as a trustee," said Djoko.

Five regions received awards in the form of the 2022 Adipura Certificate

Governor Isran Noor also expressed his pride that five regions from Bumi Mulawarman received the Adipura award today.

"Both the small city, medium city and golden city categories are very good and I hope they will continue," he said.

For information, there are four types of awards, namely Adipura certificate, Adipura plaque, Adipura trophy and the highest is Adipura Kencana.

Each type of award consists of four categories, namely small cities, medium cities, big cities and metropolitan cities.

The 2022 Adipura Award from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) was given to Regencies/Cities in East Kalimantan:

- Adipura Kencana Big City Category Balikpapan (highest award)
- Adipura Kencana City Category is being won by Bontang
- Adipura Big City Category Samarinda
- Adipura Small City Category, Penajam, North Penajam Paser Regency (PPU)
- Adipura Small Town Category, Tanah Grogot, Paser Regency

For your information, several parties were also present at the awarding ceremony of the 2022 Adipura Award and the signing of the Agreement on Incentive Payments for the Implementation of REDD + Forest Carbon Partnership Facility Carbon Fund (FCPF-CF).

Indonesian Minister of Environment and Forestry Siti Nurbaya Bakar, Minister of Environment 1993-1998 Sarwono Kusumaatmadja as Chairman of the Adipura Advisory Council and member of Rachmat Witoelar.

World Bank Representative for Indonesia and Timor-Leste Satu Kahkonen.

Director General of Waste, Garbage and Hazardous Toxic Materials Management (PSLB3) Rosa Vivien Ratnawati, Main Director of the Environmental Fund Management Agency (BPDLH) Djoko Hendratto. (*)

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