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The Government of East Kalimantan Signs Acceptance of FCPF REDD+ Funds from the World Bank

Source: https://kliksamarinda.com/pemerintah-kaltim-teken-penerimaan-dana-redd-program-fcpf-dari-world-bank/

Regency and city governments in East Kalimantan (Kaltim) signed an Incentive Payment Agreement for East Kalimantan Province in the framework of the Implementation of the FCPF REDD+ Program between the Environmental Fund Management Agency (BPDLH) with the Governor of East Kalimantan Isran Noor and Regents/Mayors throughout East Kalimantan.

The signing took place at the Manggala Wanabakti building, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Jakarta, Tuesday, 28 February 2023, commemorating the 2023 National Waste Awareness Day (HPSN), at the Dr. Sujarwo, the Manggala Wanabakti Jakarta Building was broadcast on Youtube by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry.

In the event themed "Complete Waste Management for Community Welfare", Minister of Environment and Forestry LHK, Siti Nurbaya explained, Indonesia's GHG emission reduction target with its own capabilities on the Updated NDC (UNDC) of 29% increased to 31.89% on the ENDC. While the target with international support at UNDC was 41% increased to 43.20% at ENDC.

Minister Siti Nurbaya Bakar also stated that the increase in the target was based on the latest national policies related to climate change, such as related sectoral policies, including FOLU Net-sink 2030, accelerating the use of electric vehicles, B40 policies, increasing actions in the waste sector such as sludge utilization. WWTP, as well as increased targets in the agricultural and industrial sectors.

"As part of efforts to achieve this target, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry is also developing zero waste, zero emission. In 2030, we are targeted to reduce emissions by up to 800 million tonnes. If 2060 approximately 1.8 giga tons, "said Minister Siti.

After the signing, the Main Director of BPDLH Dr. Djoko Hendratto stated that the receipt of carbon compensation funds for East Kalimantan was the first time such payments had occurred in Indonesia.

This payment is also a reward for regional governments that are able to carry out forest conservation efforts.

It is known that East Kalimantan Province has become a pioneer in reducing carbon emission programs in Indonesia. East Kalimantan entered into an agreement based on the signing of an Emission Reduction Payment Agreement (ERPA) between the Government of Indonesia and the World Bank's Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) for activities to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+).

This program has the potential for performance-based payments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the Province of East Kalimantan on 20 September 2017 which was then revised on 15 October 2019.

The potential for these funds is 110 million US Dollars or the equivalent of Rp. 1.7 trillion which will be paid to the Indonesian Government through BPDLH to the East Kalimantan Province.

For the performance of reducing gas emissions, BPDLH has received 20 million US Dollars or around Rp. 313 billion and will be distributed to the East Kalimantan Provincial Government, and Rp. 260 billion to the district/city governments.

"Rp 313 billion will be channeled to the regional government of East Kalimantan and Rp 260 billion to district and city governments of Rp 110 billion and Rp 150 billion to 441 villages through institutions appointed by the East Kalimantan Regional Government," said Djoko Hendratto.

Djoko Hendratto also stated that BPDLH would oversee the funds according to the mandate and allocation of funds. For the operation of the FCPF program, it will be handed over to the contributing parties and indigenous peoples who protect the forest.

"This is worthy of being a model for other regions," said Djoko Hendratto.

In this way, the Government of Indonesia has received an advance payment for the East Kalimantan Province FCPF program in the amount of USD 20.9 million, which is intended for allocation of responsibilities, performance and also awards for the performance of all stakeholders in East Kalimantan Province towards reducing GHG emissions from the forestry sector. .

Meanwhile, the Governor of East Kalimantan, Isran Noor expressed his gratitude for the payment of incentives for reducing carbon emissions.

This program, which has had an incentive effect for East Kalimantan, is also thanks to the previous East Kalimantan Provincial Government during the time of governor Awang Faroek Ishak.

“In fact, the East Kalimantan Provincial Government does not expect money. At the time of Governor Awang Faroek how all kinds of icons, East Kalimantan Green, sustainable plantations, got money from the World Bank. The new 30 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent can be compensated 22 million at 5 dollars per ton. Rather than nothing, not bad. There are still another 8 million that have not been compensated. Hopefully, by selling carbon alone, we can pay off the state debt," said Isran Noor. (dui)

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