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Reducing 22 Million Tons of CO2, East Kalimantan Receives IDR 313 Billion First Payment of Carbon Emission Reduction Incentives by the World Bank

Source: https://diksi.co/index.php/turunkan-22-juta-ton-co2-kaltim-terima-rp313-miliar-pembayaran-pertama-insentif-penurunan-emisi-karbon-oleh-bank-dunia

The East Kalimantan Provincial Government has received an incentive to reduce carbon emissions through the World Bank in the amount of USD 20.9 million or IDR 313 billion.

The payment was stated in the signing of the incentive payment agreement for East Kalimantan within the framework of REDD+ and the FCPF program.

The signing was witnessed by the Governor of East Kalimantan, Isran Noor together with the Minister of Forestry and Environment (LHK), Siti Nurbaya Bakar, Tuesday (28/2/2023).

It is known that East Kalimantan has managed to reduce carbon emissions by around 30 million tons of CO2 equivalent and the World Bank assessed it by 22 million tons of CO2 equivalent.

With this success, East Kalimantan will receive USD 110 million or IDR 1.7 trillion, which will be paid through BPDLH to the East Kalimantan Provincial Government.

"We are grateful that today an agreement has been signed for the payment of FCPF-CF incentives for East Kalimantan, from the first payment. Which was signed by the Ministry of Finance's BPDLH together with the East Kalimantan BPKAD and regencies/cities throughout East Kalimantan," said Isran, Tuesday (28/2/2023).

"Later, many other provinces that have reduced exhaust emissions will follow the example of East Kalimantan," he continued.

An incentive of IDR 313 billion will be distributed to the East Kalimantan Provincial Government and 8 districts/cities in the amount of IDR 260 billion.

An allocation of IDR 150 billion will be distributed to 441 villages through institutions appointed by the East Kalimantan Provincial Government.

"We are proud, just do it. Coordinate as soon as possible because the funds are already there, just waiting to enter the regional treasury," he said.

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